Dagens bild .. :D

En superhet bild på Edward :P
Katja som vanligt :D
Svensk Twilight xD
Haha, kolla, den är ganska rolig :P
Haha :P
''Postern'' eller vad man ska säga :P

Breaking Dawn Roller/ Ashley Twitter :D
Ashley Greene har twittrat om BD :
Sen rollerna till familjerna :
The Amazon Coven:
Tracey Heggins- Senna
Judi Shekoni- Zafrina
The Egyptian Coven:
Omar Metwally- Amun
Andrea Gabriel- Kebi
Rami Malek- Benjamin
Angela Sarafyan- Tia
The Irish Coven:
Marlane Barnes- Maggie
Lisa Howard- Siobhan
Patrick Brennan- Liam
The Romanian Coven:
Noel Fisher- Vladimir
Guri Weinberg- Stefan
The American Nomads:
Lee Pace- Garrett
Toni Trucks- Mary
Bill Tangradi- Randall
Erik Odom- Peter
Valorie Curry- Charlotte
The European Nomads:
Joe Anderson- Alistar
Det var allt för idag :)
Kram på er alla <3
2010 Spike TV Scream Awards
Bilderna kommer inte i ''ordning'' elr vad man ska säga ..


Det var lite bilder :D
Katja ofc :P
Rob och Kristen på en resturag :D
Länk till klippet
Men har inte Robert erkänt de då ? Det har jag hört .. ''/
Katja :D
Dagens Bild :D

En sjukt snygg bild på Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen) :D
Welcome to Riley's :)

Klippet :
Fint klipp :S
Intervju med Kristen :
Jay Leno (leo?) Show nånting :)
Bella As A Vampire !

Minst nöjd med :S Men ändå lite cool ..

Jag glömde bleka armarna men den blev oxå cool :)
Sen den jag blev nöjdast med !! :

Kolla ! Fett grym man är haha, nej men jag blev nöjd med den, de enda jag har fixat är ögonen och huden .. men jag älskar den bilden !
Vilken tycker du är coolast ?
Kristen ..
Här är en bild på Kristen Stewart på The Tonight Show med Jay Leno den 8 oktober!
Det funkat tyvär inte att ladda upp bilden !! :'( Men jag lägger ut den nån annan gång ..
En annan bild så länge :
En random bild, blev en snygg på Edward :D
Intervju Med Nikki
“We start shooting soon and we just got the script a few days ago, so that’s exciting,” Nikki revealed. “They really do capture the essence of the books and the story and they’re very faithful, and I think what the studio, as well as the actors and the writers, have all sort of realized is that’s the success of this, the origin [a.k.a Stephenie's source material] is obviously where the success came from,” she said. “So we would be sort of silly to stray away from that.”
Nikki went on to say that her character’s interactions with Jacob (Taylor Lautner) definitely stand-out.
“I have to say that in ‘Breaking Dawn,’ Jacob and Rosalie have an especially… their relationship is pretty unique,” she said with a smile. (Fans of the book know that Rosalie and Jacob have a few very heated interactions regarding the birth of Renesmee.) “It’s quite entertaining.”
OH! The Rosalie and Jacob scene! OMG! I can’t wait for that! Fido! “You. Got. Food. In. My. Hair.” Can’t wait!
Nikki om Breaking Dawn :)
Bild på Nikki :
Det var bara en bild jag hittade, det är på Edward och Rosalie .. ni vet när man får höra Jacob berätta i Twilight : ''My grategrand father, the chef saw them hunting ...'' och när dom bryter av en resn horn asså .. ja tror ni vet va ?
Nu skiter jag i tävlingen, tar bort de inlägget ! :(
Okej ..

Jaa, en liten bild jag kokade ihop :)
Jag tycker vi kan skita i tävligen om någon ändå inte vill vara med ! Sista chansen idag och sen tar jag bort den, synd .. man kan ju vinna bra saker -.-
Robsten <3
Kristen Stewart och Robert Pattinson lämnar Troubadour (5 oktober 2010) :
Jag tycker det är lite synd om dom att bli paparattzi fotograferade vart dom än går :S
Glöm inte tävlingen !! :D
Blandat !
Hi Everyone!
Congratulations to the Twilight Facebook Fan Page! 15 million fans! You guys never cease to amaze me. In other news…
Very excited about our new Renesmee, Mackenzie Foy. She’s an amazing young actress and I’m excited to work with her. I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer!
- Steph
Ett meddelande från Stephenie Meyer :)
Sen har Peter Facinelli (Carlisle Cullen) Twittrat för några dagar sen :)
Jaa, det var allt, och Macenzier Foy blir vår Renesmee !!
Jaa, men glöm ej bort tävlingen !! Inlägget under :D
Bild :)
Här kommer kvällens bild :)

En jätte snygg bild på Edward i Eclipse !
Roller inför breaking dawn sätts för fullt just nu antar jag .. dom har hittat alla för Denali Klanen :)

Meddelande från ressigören till Fansen :)
''Hello fans!
Has it really been five months (and a day) since my last dispatch? In my defense, they’ve been five months spent immersed in the world of TWILIGHT – something I’m sure you can all appreciate. We’re in the thick of pre-production now, juggling everything from casting to storyboarding to location scouting, getting it all ready to go, but I do want to take a moment to announce to you exclusively a few of the amazing production team members who are hard at work alongside me, bringing these movies to life. I hope you’ll be as excited about them as I am:
Guillermo Navarro, who won an Academy Award for the beautiful PAN’S LABYRINTH, is our cinematographer. Guillermo and I have been painstakingly planning each shot, with a team of very talented storyboard artists.
Michael Wilkinson, our costume designer, is bringing his brilliant vision to the styles of all your favorite characters. Michael’s created fantastic looks for 300, WATCHMEN, and the upcoming TRON: LEGACY – just wait ’til you see his take on the vampire witnesses who come to Forks from around the globe.
Jean Black, our makeup designer, has worked extensively with the Coen Brothers and David Fincher, most recently making exquisite, award-winning contributions to THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON. I’m honored to be working with her.
Richard Sherman, with whom I made GODS AND MONSTERS and KINSEY, is on-board as our production designer. Richard’s one of my oldest collaborators and a terrific designer, and you may be interested to know that he also happens to be a lifelong vampire aficionado.
Our Oscar-winning visual effects supervisor John Bruno has been responsible for some of the most memorable special effects ever, with his groundbreaking work on display in everything from POLTERGEIST to AVATAR. He and his team are working intensely to develop solutions to the host of special effects challenges that Stephenie created for us in BREAKING DAWN, including that remarkable kid…
Wonderful, imaginative people all and very exciting, intense times for us. Even with the months of work we’ve already put in, we’re barely underway on the journey, and I do hope to get back to you much sooner next time with more news. Until then, thanks for your warm reception and continued support!
Very best regards,''
Bill Condon :P