Kristen Snövit ?
Kristen Sterwart KANSKE kan få rollen som Snövit i ''Snow White and the Huntsman'' ..
Snow White and the Huntsman is expected to begin production later this year for a December 21, 2012 release date. The film is described as a re-imagining of the classic fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” featuring an expanded role for the Huntsman who is ordered to take Snow White into the woods and kill her. Instead, he lets her go and he becomes something of a mentor, teaching her to fight and survive.
Bild på Kristen :
Älskar fotoredigering så jag gillar att göra Kristen till vampire ;D
Det var allt för idag .. hej då :)
Snow White and the Huntsman is expected to begin production later this year for a December 21, 2012 release date. The film is described as a re-imagining of the classic fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” featuring an expanded role for the Huntsman who is ordered to take Snow White into the woods and kill her. Instead, he lets her go and he becomes something of a mentor, teaching her to fight and survive.
Bild på Kristen :
Älskar fotoredigering så jag gillar att göra Kristen till vampire ;D
Det var allt för idag .. hej då :)